Reprogram Your Mind For Success PLR Sales Funnel Review And Bonus
Product Name: Reprogram Your Mind For Success PLR Sales Funnel
Author: Sajan & Justin
Reprogram Your Mind For Success PLR Sales Funnel Review and Choose Your Bonus
What is The Reprogram Your Mind For Success PLR Sales Funnel?
- Fully Integrated Sales Funnel Ready To Resell.
- Plug In ONCE And Profit For Years To Come.
- You Can Resell And Keep 100% Profits In Your Pocket.
- Evergreen And Hot Niche, They Practically Sell Themselves.
- Keep All Leads Generated, Including The Buyers!
What Exactly is Included in The Reprogram Your Mind For Success PLR Pack?
- Build A List By Offering Reprogram Your Mind For Success course (Or Just One Of Its Modules) As A Free Gift.
- You Can Use The Digital Course For Personal Use…
- Add It As A High-Quality Bonus To Your Products…
- You Can Use The Product As A Bonus To Another Product You Are Selling!
- You Can Change And Publish The Products Offline! (DVD, Home Study Course, Seminar Material).
- You Can Edit The Contents, Change The Graphics, Re-Title The Product And Its Modules, And Include Your Very Own Back-End Affiliate Links!
- Built It Out Into A Private Membership Site And Charge A Monthly Fee.
- Use It As Training In Your Seminars Or Webinars…
- You Can Put Your Name On The Product As The Author!
- Use It To Train Your Outsourced Staff Without Any Effort On Your Part.
- Sell “Reprogram Your Mind For Success” For $47 – $97 A Pop…
- You Can Repurpose The Contents Into Other Formats – For Example, You Can Re-purpose Them As E-Books To Sell To Audience That Prefer To Read. You Can Also Break It Down Into Articles Or Viral Special Reports To Build Your Mailing List!
Reprogram Your Mind For Success PLR Sales Funnel Review And Bonus
8 Mindsets That Lead To Consistent Victory
A mind reprogramming expert has created this brand new guide that will engage readers from start to finish and show them how they can reprogram their minds for success. The market for this kind of product is huge and now you have the chance to give them what they want with this excellent mind power guide.
Why Should You Get The Reprogram Your Mind For Success PLR Package?
*The Ten Mental Roadblocks That You MUST Know About And Overcome Before You Can Fully Reprogram Your Mind For Success
The author explains that we all have toxic mindsets that undermine us and the first step to reprogramming your mind is to clear these out. If the reader does not do this first they will find it so much harder as the toxic mindsets will impede their progress severely.
The toxic mindsets are blaming others, believing real change is impossible, letting your past define you, believing you can’t be helped, believing you don’t deserve success, the perfect mindset, putting things off until tomorrow, success and money are not everything, success is not worth it and not wanting to turn into someone you hate.
For each toxic mindset the author provides ways for the reader to overcome them.
*The Most Important Thing That You Absolutely Have To Do To Ensure That You Will Truly Reprogram Your Mind For Success
In this section the author talks about the power of assumptions. If the reader does not pay attention to their beliefs about what is truly happening in their life then they will not succeed. It is all down to how you interpret reality. The reader must believe that they have the ability to change. There is a powerful exercise in this chapter which will ensure that the reader knows they have the power to change.
The exercise will reveal important things to the reader such as whether they are a proactive or reactive person. This will help them to change in the future.
*Why You Must Be Prepared For Failure And How It Will Prepare You To March On To Achieve The Success That You Desire
It may seem strange to be discussing failure in a guide to success but it is vital for the reader to understand that they will make mistakes and fail from time to time. Even the most successful entrepreneurs fail. The reader needs to push through the failure to achieve success. That’s why it is best to expect failure to happen sometimes.
The author explains how the reader needs to measure their success properly and that it is best to fail quickly to get it out of the way. The author provides a method for the reader to detach from failure so that any failures do not define them. Journaling everything is recommended and the chapter concludes by re-emphasizing that failure is part of life so be prepared.
*How You Can Set Goals That Will Totally Empower You And How You Can Use Your Goals To Truly Define Your Success
All successful people set goals but a lot of people desiring success do not take them seriously enough. What happens then is that the goals created are weak or there are no goals created at all. The reader must set goals because they will provide a map and pave the way for the creation of sub goals to provide a clear path forward.
The author explains that successful people start with their passions and then craft their goals around them. The reader will learn how to recast their goals so that they provide them with energy. If current goals are not energizing then they can and must be changed. Achieving sub goals will help to develop the success habit.
*The Essential Element That Everyone Needs If They Want To Achieve Their Goals And Take Control Of Their Lives
Having a strong belief in your goals is essential for you to take the right action. There is no waiting around for things falling into place when you want to achieve success. Taking action will force the required elements to fall into place. The reader needs to be totally committed and take full control.
The author provides some great strategies for the reader to celebrate the significant actions that they have taken. They will become a lot more effective the more action that they take. When the reader is taking consistent action they will start a few chain reactions which will open new success doors for them.
The author provides some great strategies for the reader to celebrate the significant actions that they have taken. They will become a lot more effective the more action that they take. When the reader is taking consistent action they will start a few chain reactions which will open new success doors for them.
*How To Avoid A Paralyzing Effect That Will Prevent You From Being Successful And Missing Out On Some Great Opportunities
The author explains that the reader needs to be decisive and then stick with their decisions. It is very easy to fall into the trap of analyzing everything to death and if this happens then many opportunities will pass by. Time is very important on the road to success so learning how to decide on something quickly is very important.
The author provides a great technique to enable fast decision making. Decisions are really just a commitment to taking action on one thing rather than another. Another important aspect of decision making is knowing when to stop. If you keep taking action that is not achieving the results that you want then you need to decide to do something else.
*Why You MUST Believe That You Don’t Know Everything About Your Goals And That You MUST Learn More
The authors emphasizes that just because you have fully researched a goal, and even consider yourself to be an expert about it, it is impossible for you to know everything and that there will always be information gaps. It is all too easy to assume things especially if you are older and more experienced.
The reader will learn about developing a growth mindset and how they can best achieve this. There are some very effective strategies discussed here and the reader will learn how to find their core competencies and work outward from them. There will always be non core elements that can be outsourced to experts.
*The MOST Powerful Belief That You Must Adopt Which Will Empower You To Overcome Every Obstacle That You Encounter On Your Success Journey
Too many people that start on a journey to success become bogged down and overwhelmed with problems that they encounter along the way. The way to get through this is to believe and act like there is always a way through any problem. The author explains that using a simple system is best.
The system is fully explained in the chapter and starts off with identifying opportunity in every situation. The next step is to optimize by applying a solution again and again. In this way the reader figures out how to get results faster. Then there is mastery of the problem and domination followed by scaling up and knowing when to cut your losses.
*How To Embrace Risk And Make It Work For You On Your Journey To Success
When the reader starts their success journey there will always be risks that they need to take. If there is no risk there is no reward. Successful people take calculated risks and they know that the bigger the risk the bigger the reward.
The author explains the key differences between taking calculated risks and gambling. Calculated risks are all about having the knowledge about what you stand to gain or lose and the probability of both events. When the reader educates themselves fully about the risk they are actually lowering the risk.
*Why You Need To Follow These Best Practices If You Want To Be Sure Of Reprogramming Your Mind For Success
*And so much more…
The first best practice that the author encourages is to treat your mind like a muscle. Your mind needs to be used as much as possible and challenged often. The change that you want will occur after you use the new mindsets over and over.The second best practice is to make a start now.
Procrastination is a success killer. Next the reader needs to treat every setback as an opportunity to learn. And the final best practice is having a system will prevent the reader from failing.
Reprogram Your Mind For Success
8 Mindsets That Lead To Consistent Victory
This new mind reprogramming PLR guide has never been seen before and consists of 10 empowering chapters and 10,000 words of powerful information and instruction. It is very high quality and will help your customers to make the breakthrough that they need to be successful.
An experienced author wrote the guide and explains everything clearly so that the reader knows exactly what they need to do. All of the proven techniques for mind reprogramming are full explained and the reader will greatly benefit from apply them all. Some of the techniques are not well known and this will be a new experience for many readers.
- The guide begins by discussing 10 toxic mindsets that the reader must eradicate to successfully reprogram their mind. These will impair the reader’s success if they are not dealt with and the author explains how to do this.
- The second chapter talks about assuming that you can change and shows the reader that this is true and how to identify if they are a reactive or proactive person.
- Chapter 3 is all about failure and being prepared for it. Everyone makes mistakes and failure is a part of success. When the reader is prepared for failure they can move on easily.
- Creating empowering goals is the subject of chapter 4. Most people do not set goals directly or don’t set any goals. Goals serve as a map for success and sub goals can be created and then achieved. Achieving sub goals is a powerful success habit.
- In chapter 5 the reader learns to take control and make the right commitment to their goals.
- Chapter 6 is all about making decisions fast and not becoming paralyzed by analysis.
- In chapter 7 the reader learns that they need to believe that they do not know everything about their goals and additional learning is essential.
- The author provides the reader with the tools to overcome any problem in chapter 8.
- The need to take calculated risks is discussed in chapter 9
- And the final chapter provides the best practices that the reader needs to adopt for a success mindset
Your customers will absolutely love the expert information and advice provided by this Reprogram Your Mind For Success guide. By following the simple and practical steps in the guide they will be able to adopt the right success mindset. Be sure that you are able to offer them this high quality mind power guide.
Who should get the Reprogram Your Mind For Success PLR Sales Funnel?
- Internet Marketers
- Affiliate Marketers
- Digital Product Sellers
- Content Marketers
- Marketers looking to build their email lists.
MODULE 1 – High Quality Guides
Reprogram Your Mind For Success eBook is a unique and completely updated 10,000 + words Training Guide. it’s up-to-date, informative, and includes the most useful, cutting edge information on Success.
You can rest assured knowing that this eBook was written by a fluent, native U.S. writer who holds a Certified English Degree, and was chosen based on industry expertise.
What Is Included?
- The latest and most up-to-date information.
- Over 10,000 words, 100% brand new and unique.
- 100% PLR will be given to you in Text,PDF and word format so you can edit it however you like.
- Professionally and beautifully formatted and styled.
- You’ll probably enjoy the information quite a bit yourself.
- Here’s A Sneak Peek Of What’s Inside Of
- Reprogram Your Mind For Success Training Guide…
Here’s A Sneak Peek Of What’s Inside Of Reprogram Your Mind For Success Training Guide…
As you can see, the training guide is a high-end report filled with useful instructions, excellent advice and up-to-date information.
If you look on Amazon and Clickbank, selfhelp is one of the most IN DEMAND topics… When you put this in front of the right audience, they will not only buy, but thank you for giving them an amazing resource to online success…
Heck, even beyond selling this course, you will likely get a few things out of it yourself…
Attractive Chapters and Sub-Chapters Images Included!
MODULE 2 – Cheat Sheet
MODULE 3 – Mind Map
This mind map outlines everything your customers are going to be learning throughout the training.
It’ll show them the steps and make it easy to follow along with as they’re going through each part, in order to allow them to absorb everything more smoothly.
MODULE 4 – Resource Report
Here you will have access to a complete niche research report showing you the best tools, training, blogs, forums, and infographics.
All centered on selfhelp/success
MODULE 5 – Ready Made Sales Letter & Thank You Page
- We hired a top notch copywriter to create an amazingly high converting sales page for this funnel.
- This is a sales page which was written strictly for conversions, meaning you don’t have to even think about writing sales copy on your own, or pay a Professional Copywriter $1,000’s to do it. Just start sending traffic right to it, and kick back and relax, as the sales roll in.
MODULE 6 – Hypnotic Sales Video Promo
To make promoting your front end offer and making sales even easier, we’re giving you 2 videos to choose from.
- New Generation, doodle-style sales video.
- Professionally created normal sales video.
These videos are extremely popular because they work… People love them, and when you combine this with your professional sales page, you’ll be making sales right out of the gates.
These videos have been carefully crafted using the ‘hypnotic’ copywriting formula that will ENGAGE your visitors and skyrocket the overall sales conversions.
See an example here…
MODULE 7 – Legal Pages
You are going to need a professional looking minisite if you want your customers to take you seriously. I’ve hired one of the best designers to make this website look like a million bucks!
MODULE 8 – Full Set of Professionally Designed Graphics
You’re going to get the complete set of professionally designed graphics, including any CD/DVD covers, artwork necessary to sell the product, and a whole lot more.
This will make the training more presentable, and much easier to sell. You’ll be given the image files in PSD format, so you’ll be able to edit them however you want, and make them all your own. Add any logos or images you want to any or all of them. You’ll also get PNG files as well, so you can upload them as is, you choose to do that instead.
MODULE 9 – 10 High Quality & Unique Article
Getting articles of this type from a ghostwriter would cost $25 per article or more, but here you can have it for free.
- These articles are 100% unique around the subject for multiple uses.
- Use the articles to create scripts for Email videos.
- Use them in your autoresponder series.
- Re-word them for website content.
- Each article is at least 500 words in length.
- Private label rights included.
MODULE 10 – Stunning, Professionally-designed Banners
These banners are designed to get you clicks, so you can immediately start with a media buying campaign, without having to create any banners yourself.
Designed by a Professional Graphic Designer, they’re stunning, professional-looking, and will help you to generate traffic right away.Why waste time and money creating your own banner ads, when we can just hand some excellent ones right to you?
MODULE 11 – 5 High Converting Promotional Email Swipes
If your customers don’t buy your product initially, that doesn’t mean you’re out of luck… increase your dollars per customer substantially with this 5 professionally written email follow-up sequence!
Simply choose your choice of email swipe, pick a subject line, paste it all to your autoresponder and you’re done!
MODULE 12 – 10 High Quality eCovers
eCovers really bring a digital product to life. It’s proven that having high-quality, life-like eCovers for your digital products increase buyer confidence and conversions.
That’s why we’re going to include 10 beautifully designed eCovers that you can use in any way you wish.
If you hired a designer to create beautiful eCovers like this, you could easily find yourself spending hundreds of dollars… Today, you can get them at no additional cost when you grab this PLR package…
MODULE 13 – Social Media Images Pack
With Facebook, Instagram, And The Other Social Media Sites Getting Bigger And Bigger, The Opportunity To Engage With Your Audience And Drive Traffic Is HUGE.
That’s Why We’re Going To Include 10 Beautifully Designed ECovers That You Can Use In Any Way You Wish. Take Any Of These Social Media Images, Upload Them To Facebook Or Instagram And Watch The Traffic Roll In.
This Gets Engagement And Will Lead To Opt-Ins And Ultimately Sales.
MODULE 14 – License Pack
And of course, you’ll get the private label rights, master resell rights and resell rights licenses for all the above modules.
Your Fast Action Bonuses
Fast Action BONUS #1 PLR Master Class
Fast Action BONUS #2 PLR Sales Funnels
“Sales Funnels Training Set Up”
Of course, we won’t leave you alone. We really want you to make money with this as quickly as possible. For that reason, we are proud to offer this amazing, hot bonus that will get you up and running selling your product in no time.
Here we’re talking about a detailed video training that will show you every detail you need to know to set up your killer sales funnel in the shortest time possible.
It’s almost like having your very own coach who shows you exactly what to do – “go here, click this, do this” and so on. We made sure every step was crystal clear so that there’s no doubt in your mind how to set up your PLR package.
Fast Action BONUS #3 Private Label Money Machine
“Strategies To Make Money With PLR Products”
Would you like to skyrocket your offline or online business success by correctly and productively using PLR content?
This step-by-step PLR Training System is going to take you by the hand and show you how to quickly skyrocket your business success in the shortest time ever with PLR Content.
Our step-by-step PLR Training System is going to take you by the hand and show you how to safely skyrocket your Business with PLR Content in the shortest time ever.
Our training is more than enough to get you where you really want to be using the immense power of PLR, our training has come to give you exactly what you need in order to reach all of your business expectations of success.