Authentic Pricing Premium PLR Coaching Workshop
Product Name: Authentic Pricing Premium PLR Coaching Workshop
Author: Melissa Ingold & Nicole Dea
My Honest Authentic Pricing Premium PLR Coaching Workshop Review and You Get To Choose Your Bonuses.

What is Authentic Pricing Premium PLR Coaching Workshop?
It’s true! You don’t need to know how to write.
If you can copy & paste, you can do this!
Using our uber powerful DONE-FOR-YOU course, you’ll have all your launch pages and course content done and ready for you to copy & paste into your system.
Now you can finally stop procrastinating and launch the course you’ve been dreaming about!
When you purchase the license to our courses, you’ll be able to develop and release a sparkly new program in a matter of days (not months or years).
Which means that you can start enrolling clients and accepting payments right away!
Our mission is to make it easy for coaches just like you to make an impact on the world and be of service to your tribe, in the most powerful and aligned way possible.
So, you tell us: Does that sound “worth it” to you?
Why Should You Get Authentic Pricing Premium PLR Coaching Workshop?
- You want it to be easy.
- You want it to be fun.
- You want to make more money.
AND you’d really like to create a course WITHOUT adding more hours to your already jam-packed schedule.
But with everything you’ve learned about creating a course, one thing is for sure…there’s SO much work involved.
Between deciding what to create a course about, to planning, writing, sales copy, marketing…
UGH! You can literally feel your brain shutting down just thinking about it.
Not anymore!
Here whats Included in Authentic Pricing:

4 Course Lessons Completely Written for You
Kiss your blinking cursor goodbye! These lessons have been expertly researched and written for you. And they’re totally customizable so you can edit, tweak, and brand to your heart’s delight!
Course Workbook with Worksheets, Exercises, and Checklists
Who doesn’t love a good workbook? Your clients are totally going to crush on this workbook filled with all the goodies that will help them take action.
Facebook Livestream Theme Script to Generate Buzz for Your Course Launch
So what do you talk about during your live that will get people excited about buying your course? Wonder no more! You’ll get an entire script that tells you exactly what to teach your audience. Just open up the file on your computer, or print it off to have in front of you during your FB live or webinar.
Facebook Livestream Launch Page Copy
If you’ve ever struggled with what to say on the registration page for your webinar, or what to put in your email to get people running to join your Facebook live – well, those days are over! Just copy, paste, done.
Sales Page Copy to Sell Your Course
Because who wants to spend weeks writing sales copy instead of making money. Just copy and paste this professionally written copy into your sales page template, add your buy buttons, and CHA-CHING! You’re ready to open enrollment for your course.
10 Done-for-You Social Media Posts
No more wondering what to post on social, just copy and paste these Facebook and Twitter posts to help you promote your new course.
5 Blog Posts to Warm Your Audience Up for Your Upcoming Launch
Just drop these golden babies right into your blog and VOILA! Shareable content to generate love for your upcoming course launch. And, with a little tweaking, you can easily use these golden nuggets as emails too!
5 Email Templates to Make Promoting Your Livestream & New Course a Breeze
These 5 click-ready emails are totally done-for-you! All you have to do is drop in your livestream or course deets, add your own personal touches, and send. No more trying to figure out what the heck to send to your email subscribers.
Here are the 4 Course Lessons You’ll Receive in This Package

Lesson 1: How to Position Your Own Unique Style of Coaching as the Hottest Flavor of the Century
LESSON OVERVIEW: We’re going to start off strong, by declaring right up front what your unique strengths are, and who they best suit when it comes to clients.
Here’s what your clients will learn in this lesson:
- 7 factors that make up your ideal client—miss any of these, and you’ll be left with a customer base that, well, you don’t love working with.
- Why asking how much you want to earn is more complex than it seems—and how to calculate a real number.
- How to pick out your true differentiating factors—if you can’t do this, your clients won’t be able to tell you from every other coach on the Internet.
- The one question you must answer about yourself and your coaching—everything else you do hinges on this, so don’t gloss over it!
- How to use words to position yourself right where you want to be—you’ll never look at a sales page the same way again!
- How high-end coaches make a big splash—this one tip can turn the tides in your favor.
- 6 proven ways to analyze yourself and your business more carefully—do this, and your unique strengths will become crystal clear.
- How to turn your thinking around to find out what really matters to you.
- Why all this self-discovery is critical to your new, higher standards—the answer might surprise you.
Here’s a Peek at the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Lesson 1:

Lesson 2: How to Raise Your Rates, Out-Price Problem Clients and Attract Oodles of Fun, High Paying Clients
LESSON OVERVIEW: Now that you’ve determined what makes you truly unique (and a perfect fit for your ideal client) it’s time to figure out your “sweet spot” for pricing. This is where your dream client won’t bat and eye, and those less-than-stellar folks will quietly walk away.
Here’s what your clients will learn in this lesson:
- 5 hard-hitting questions you must answer about your true visibility—because if no one knows your name, you might have a bit of work to do.
- A realistic roadmap to finding your perceived value—this is how your potential clients really see you, so don’t skip this step!
- The most important thing you can do if your “value” isn’t what you’d like it to be—don’t worry, this one is easy!
- 4 ways to raise your rates—and have your clients thanking you for it.
- The number one reason price increases fail—and how to avoid it.
- The secret tactic top coaches use to turn bad clients away at the door—without ever even meeting them!
- An easy trick you can use to ensure your potential clients can afford your new rates—no more freebie seekers!
Here’s a Peek at the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Lesson 2:

Lesson 3: Phase Out By-the-Hour Pricing and Introduce High-End, High-Value Packages that Wow Clients
LESSON OVERVIEW:Here’s where truly successful coaches differ from those who do just “ok.” Top earners long ago gave up trading dollars for hours, even if they are still setting appointments and getting on the phone with clients.
Here’s what your clients will learn in this lesson:
- How to position those one-on-one sessions as a “reward”—without losing income in the deal.
- 4 ways to leverage your time better—do just one of these and your income will grow, even as you work fewer hours.
- 2 fantastic income-boosting opportunities top coaches use—and you can, too!
- How to be accessible without working yourself into the ground.
- The art of bundling—and how to give the illusion of huge value without sacrificing more of your time.
- 3 value-boosting programs your clients will love—and that they’ll happily pay a premium for.
- The number one way to create value without attaching a time value to it—get this one step right, and you can name your own price every time.
Here’s a Peek at the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Lesson 3:

Lesson 4: How to Gracefully Transition Current Clients from Your Outdated Rates to Your New and Improved Pricing Structure
LESSON OVERVIEW: Now that you’ve found your unique value, eliminated clients who aren’t a perfect fit, and upleveled your offers so you can stop trading dollars for hours, it’s time to take the last step—increasing current clients’ rates.
Here’s what your clients will learn in this lesson:
- Why and how to strategically offer a “grandfather” clause—this can actually increase your income!
- 5 things you must consider before offering a special deal—miss this, and you’ll wind up feeling resentful and overworked (again!)
- How a payment plan can help land a dream client—and how not to get stuck with a non-paying client.
- How to turn your thinking around when it comes to pricing—get this right and you’ll never choke on your new higher pricing again.
- When to cut your losses—sometimes you just have to walk away, and knowing when will save you a lot of stress.
- Why it never pays to be overly pushy—and what to do instead.
- The 5 warning signs of problem clients—spot them early and save yourself a lot of trouble later!
Here’s a Peek at the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Lesson 4:

Who Wants to Become the Go-To Coach in Your Niche? You Do! Which is Why We’re Throwing in this Juicy Workbook to Help You Totally Over-Deliver to Your Course Buyers!
Because who doesn’t love a good workbook?
Your clients are totally going to crush on this workbook filled with all the goodies that will help them take action.
Here’s What the Course Workbook Looks Like

Ready for PayPal Notifications to Cha-Ching Their Way into Your inbox?
Who isn’t? So We’re Loading You Up With Super-Persuasive Launch Materials to Get Your Audience Engaged, Excited, and Eager to Buy from You!
We want to make it super easy for you to promote your course and start collecting payments, which is why we’ve included tons of fabulous sales and marketing materials for you and your JV partners.
That’s right! You can share these sales materials with your JV partners so they can promote you too!
Facebook Livestream Theme / Webinar Script & Launch Copy
A great way to fill your course is by hosting a free Facebook Livestream or webinar that sets the stage for you to show off your expertise, connect with your tribe, and be of service to them through amazing content – while also leading your clients to the conclusion that they want to work with you.
But what do you talk about during your live that will get people excited about buying your course?
Wonder no more! You’ll get an entire script that tells you exactly what to teach your audience. Just open up the file on your computer, or print it off to have in front of you during your FB live or webinar.
- Facebook Livestream Theme Script called: “Coaches, Here’s why you’re Secretly Feeling Frustrated and Resentful of Your Clients and How Changing One Thing Will Make You Fall in Love with Your Business Again” that you can read word-for-word during your Facebook live or on your webinar.
- Facebook Livestream Launch Copy that includes a description and bullet points for your livestream or webinar you can copy + paste to your own sign up page.
Here’s a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get:
Facebook Livestream Theme Script for Your Facebook Live or Webinar

Facebook Livestream or Webinar Launch Copy that You Can Drop Right into Your Lead Page

Professionally Written Sales Copy for Your Course
Because who wants to spend weeks writing sales copy instead of making money.
Just copy and paste this professionally written copy into your sales page template, add your buy buttons, and CHA-CHING!
You’re ready to open enrollment for your course.

Promotional Buzz Copy for Social Media and Your Blog
No more wondering what to post on social, just copy and paste these Facebook and Twitter posts to help you promote your new course.
10 Social Media Posts for Facebook & Twitter to Help You Promote Your Course

5 Blog Posts to Warm Your Audience Up for Your Upcoming Launch
Just drop these golden babies right into your blog and VOILA!
Shareable content to generate love for your upcoming course launch.
And, with a little tweaking, you can easily use these golden nuggets as emails too!
- Here are the 5 Blog Posts You’ll Get in this Package:
- Easy Pricing Strategies to Determine Your Rates (557 words)
- No More ROI: The Real Way to Sell High-Priced Packages (444 words)
- The Art of the Discount: How to Never Lower Your Rates Again (462 words)
- Stop! Before You Raise Your Rates…Do This (441 words)
- Say it With Confidence: How to Discuss Rates Like a Pro (420 words)
5 Blog Posts to Help You Promote Your Course

4 Email Templates to Make Promoting Your Free Livestream Training & Course a Breeze
These 4 click-ready emails are totally done-for-you!
All you have to do is drop in your livestream or course deets, add your own personal touches, and send. No more trying to figure out what the heck to send to your email subscribers.
- You’ll Get these 2 Emails to Invite People to Your Free Facebook Live or Webinar Training:
- It’s okay to feel this way (273 words)
- Ready to ditch those clients that drain your energy? Open up! (268 words)
- You’ll Get these 2 Emails to Sell Your Course:
- Yes, you can always get what you want (255 words)
- The fastest path to a business you hate (278 words)
4 Emails to Help You Promote Your New Course

With a Package Like This, You’ll Never Have to Write Another Piece of Content Again…EVER!
Here is why you should be jumping up and down about this opportunity:
So you can FINALLY stop running from solution to solution, guru to guru, one fake promise to the next and finally start seeing results.
When you invest in this done-for-you course you get instant access to everything
You can start using it within the next 30 seconds and start seeing results in as little as one weekend!
Here is what you should do next:
Scroll down and click the “Add to Cart” button to download everything and get started ASAP!
- 4 Course Lessons (45 pages, 10,514 words)
- Lesson 1: How to Position Your Own Unique Style of Coaching as the Hottest Flavor of the Century
- Lesson 2: How to Raise Your Rates, Out-Price Problem Clients and Attract Oodles of Fun, High Paying Clients
- Lesson 3: Phase Out By-the-Hour Pricing and Introduce High-End, High-Value Packages that Wow Clients?
- Lesson 4: How to Gracefully Transition Current Clients from Your Outdated Rates to Your New and Improved Pricing Structure
- Course Workbook with Worksheets, Exercises, and Checklists: “How to Confidently Raise Your Rates and Start Working with Fun, High-End Clients” (37 pages)
- Facebook Livestream Theme Script: “Coaches, Here’s why you’re Secretly Feeling Frustrated and Resentful of Your Clients and How Changing One Thing Will Make You Fall in Love with Your Business Again” (13 pages) that you can read word for word.
- Facebook Livestream Launch Copy for your live or webinar that you can copy + paste to your own sign up page.
- Sales Page Copy to Help You Sell Your Course
- 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Course on Facebook & Twitter
- 5 Blog Posts to Promote Your Course
- Easy Pricing Strategies to Determine Your Rates (557 words)
- No More ROI: The Real Way to Sell High-Priced Packages (444 words)
- The Art of the Discount: How to Never Lower Your Rates Again (462 words)
- Stop! Before You Raise Your Rates…Do This (441 words)
- Say it With Confidence: How to Discuss Rates Like a Pro (420 words)
- 4 Email Templates to Make Promoting Your Livestream & Course a Breeze
- You’ll Get these 2 Emails to Invite People to Your Free Facebook Live or Webinar Training:
- It’s okay to feel this way (273 words)
- Ready to ditch those clients that drain your energy? Open up! (268 words)
- You’ll Get these 2 Emails to Sell Your Course:
- Yes, you can always get what you want (255 words)
- The fastest path to a business you hate (278 words)
What Authentic Pricing Premium PLR Coaching Workshop Review Bonuses Can I choose From?